- Event Awareness Meme
- I’m honestly not entirely sure of a meme idea yet. I know for sure that I want to take some pictures of my tiny dog and my brother’s giant dog together because I think their contrasting sizes would be funny for the meme. As far as a solid idea of “I’m going to do this and this will be the punchline,” I’m not quite there yet, but I have a starting place that I will continue to work upon.
- Short Video Reel
- For the short video reel, I had the idea of doing a “dog interview.” For context, if you’ve ever seen those videos of people going to animals with those tiny microphones and asking them questions, this is in that same sort of vein. It’d consist of various questions in regards to the event, like asking the dogs what they were looking forward to the most about the event, if they would be attending with friends, etc. I’ve always thought these kind of videos were pretty funny and enjoyable, so I believe it’d be a good medium for promoting the event. Reference
- “Adopt Don’t Shop” Reel
- I would like to feature some actual rescue dogs for this reel, and I fortunately have access to quite a few. Many of my family members have had rescue dogs over the years, and I think highlighting these actual experiences would be a good way to promote the idea of “Adopt Don’t Shop.” My working idea is to do some semi-interviews with my family members who’ve had rescues and just have them say a few words about how impactful it was in their lives while having videos/pictures of the rescue dogs playing with the interview audio.